Prepare to sing a song you know well and that has piano accompaniment. We provide a pianist for you so please bring 2 copies of the song in the register/key that highlights your voice best. Please keep your selection under 3 minutes. Popular, Broadway, jazz, or something similar is recommended as we want to hear you sing in the voice that will work for singing BBS material, so Broadway and popular tunes are best.
Any questions? Send us a question in the "Contact BBS" Form below.
General Season Information
BBS holds a Spring Season (January - April) and Fall Season (August - November).
Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings during each season.
There is an additional sectional rehearsal and dress rehearsal prior to the concert.
There is a registration fee for each season that goes towards sheet music, rehearsal & performing venues, and allows BBS to continue to provide free public concerts.
We perform 2 public concerts, and 2 small concerts at smaller venues. (This may subject to change by season)
NOTE: It may be helpful if you have music background, but it is not required.